
GovHack 2023

Took part in the 2023 GovHack an open data hackathon event which operates in both Australia and New Zealand. Over 3 days working with a team of 6 individuals, we created a website that provides a collaborative social informatics platform on the areas of climate change and sea level rise, it featured a visual representation on sea level rise of the Greater Christchurch area by the effects of climate change.

I was assigned with creating a visualisation of sea level rise of the Greater Christchurch Area which wad using a 3D model of the Greater Christchurch Area , this was created from DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data from LINZ (Land and Information New Zealand). This was then imported into Google Earth where DEM tiles where stitched together to create one large height map, this was then imported and applied onto a 3D plane in Blender, this was then exported into Unity.

Tools suite

Unity SDK icon

Unity SDK

C# programming icon


Blender Ico


Javascript icon


Google Earth icon

Google Earth

Google Cloud icon

Google Cloud